
The Miracle of Mindset

Ciao Amica Mia

I hope this Sacred Sunday finds you well.

I have a confession to make. My husband and I are what you’d call “glampers.”

People who camp with LOTS of creature comforts.

Like a bathroom and shower, our own bed and pillows, plus a kitchen to cook healthy meals.

And the thing is I’m perfectly ok with that designation.

If fact, after years of grumbling, this city girl has grown to love glamping.

Why? Because I have the privilege of traveling the country where I’m awed by its beauty.

👨‍👩‍👧 And I get to meet people.
🤦🏻♀ People with different points of view than my own.
🤦🏻♀ ️Honestly, there are times my buttons get pushed.
🤦🏻‍♀️ I’m aghast at what some people think, feel, do and say, right to your unsuspecting face.

Yet it’s a perfect way to practice what I teach.

😇 The miracle of mindset!
👉 It’s a shifting of your thoughts, emotions and actions.
👉 A shifting of your energy to a higher vibe. 👉 And, a reframe of your brain.
👉 That’s why I call it THE MIRACLE OF MINDSET – because miracles, according to The Course in Miracles, is simply a shift in perspective, combined with the potent practice of retraining your brain.

The thing is when you learn how to shift the negative thoughts your brain is ruminating on, and the emotions that arise that result in resistance or unskillful action, to thoughts and emotions that are in alignment with your core essence, it truly is a miracle!

Not only that, but miraculous experiences also start to unfold. Grace enters and all of a sudden, you feel empowered, confident and excited about your life.

Here are a few questions you can begin to ask yourself to switch the narrative.

❓ Why am I being triggered?
❓ Why am I so defensive, angry, sad, etc…? ❓ What’s this inner story really about?

It might not always be easy to ask the hard questions of yourself, but it is simple.

In all transparency, sometimes I don’t want to go there. Yet, I know that if I’m not brave enough to look at my own stuff, or check in with my brain, as a coach I’m inauthentic, and I have no business asking you to do the same.

👉 Self accountability is an important strategy to shift into your future self, the self you desire to be.
👉 Without a shift in mindset, a reset in the brain, resulting in skillful bold action, no matter how much it scares you, it’s same ole’ same ole’.
👉 When you learn how to breakaway from the BS that limits you, a portal opens.
💯 You’re offered the opportunity to step through the threshold to shine more brilliantly than before.
💯 Mindset shifts help you to live in a higher vibration and a higher version of yourself.

Who doesn’t want to live full on as only YOU can in order to live unapologetically BADASS & Brilliant ⁉️

How do I know that conscious mindset and brain reset is efficacious? Because I practice the model every day. 🤦🏻♀

Lord knows where I’d be without the rubric of watching my thoughts, emotions and the actions that result!

That’s why I’m so excited to offer a FREE MASTERCLASS, “THE MIRACLE OF MINDSET”.

Date and time will be announced in next week’s Sacred Sunday I can’t wait for you to join me, I’m really stoked. With love and appreciation,

xoxo Paulette

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