Your Journey Awaits!
Discover the Essence of Your Being
with a Personalized
Timeless Wisdom Assessment.
- This simple quiz is designed to help you align your lifestyle with your specific strengths
- Uncovering your unique constitution helps you gain insight into your mind, body, spirit balance and amplify your joy meter.
Deepen your understanding today

Your Constitutional Characteristics
In taking this assessment don’t overthink. Usually your first instinct is the most accurate.
If you’ve never taken a Dosha assessment, try your best to evaluate how you have been most of your life. If you know your primary type, you may want to take the assessment as you currently feel.
We often project what we “wish” we were. Remember each “type” has advantages. There is no right or wrong answer.
Take the quiz with a sense of curiosity and wonder. Have fun with it.
This knowledge can support you in realizing your life’s goals and desires.
“Ayurveda believes that every individual is a unique phenomenon and that the individual is indivisible from the cosmos.” Dr. Vasant Lad
The Three Doshas

Air & Space

Fire & Water

Water & Earth
The Science of Life and the Art of Longevity
Ayurveda is an ancient holistic system that takes an integrative and preventative approach to one’s well-being and overall health. Long before modern science has proven the importance of the mind, body, spirit connection Ayurveda was teaching that good health and harmony are interconnected.
According to Ayurvedic teachings, balanced good health is the foundation towards the fulfillment of living a vital and meaningful life – one of the keys to accessing your inner sage wisdom and creativity.
The sages of old perceived that consciousness was energy manifested in the five elements. The five elements; space or ether, air, fire, water and earth exist in all matter. Internally and externally.
When the elements within us become imbalanced from distress, overwhelm, un-healthy lifestyle, lack of sleep hygiene, improper foods, your dosha -constitution is compromised.
The Elements
1. Space – allows all other elements to happen.
Plays a part in Vata constitution.
2. Air – space in movement.
Psychological and spiritual aspects: dry, light cool movements, desire, flow of thoughts, communication, emotion, will and choice
Connected to Vata.
3. Fire – transformative energy.
Connected to Pitta.
4. Water – called the Water of Life because it is essential.
Psychological and spiritual aspects: compassion, contentment and love
Connected to Kapha and Pitta.
5. Earth – grounding.
Connected to Kapha.
When the elements are filled with Prana - life force, they create the three doshas.
The Ayurveda perspective states that humans are governed by the doshas. From your physicality to your subtle body anatomy, which includes your mental activity and emotions.
Knowing your dosha and what elements play a primary role in your health and outlook on life will help you find balance in your life.
Characteristics of the 3 doshas
Light, flexible bodies, small frames, dry skin, less strength, or stamina than other doshas. Variable digestion, sleeps less and is interrupted, talks quickly and a lot, fearful and excitable, can worry a lot when agitated.
Vata’s are quick thinkers and can move from one thing to another easily.
Keep warm, calm, avoid cold temperatures, eat warm and cooked foods, create safety and security on all levels – the environment and in personal and professional relationships.
Medium height and build, stronger physical bodies, can generate muscle easier, bright eyes, good skin, perspires a lot when heated, maintains weight, alert and intelligent. Excess pitta can manifest as jaundice, workaholic, prone to fever and hives.
Summer is a hard time of year for Pitta, so be more aware. Pitta’s are focused, determined and action takers.
Keep cool, avoid oily and spicy food, limit salt and avoid icy drinks.
Channel creative energy.
Strong, large, heavy bones, tends to gain weight, slow digestion, sweet tooth, steady appetites, foggy in the mornings, peaceful, patient, loyal and loving. Kapha’s are nurturing, kind and make loving friends.
Stimulation in lifestyle, plenty of exercise, good strong workouts.