Work With Me

Welcome to Sage Wisdom Services
“We all have goals we want to reach; challenges we’re striving to overcome and times when we feel stuck. Partnering with a coach can change your life, setting you on a path to greater personal and professional fulfillment.”
International Coaching Federation
Why Me?
Because I AM You. That’s why I know exactly how you’re feeling. It’s my life’s mission to guide and support women and men through transformation. Plus…
I have over 30 years of experiential and scholarly learning with the most well renowned teachers in the fields of personal empowerment, coaching, yoga and meditation. I continue to be a dedicated student in these potent modalities of transformation.
After 30+ years I remain a passionate educator, mentor, coach and leader of international retreats/workshops.
I have over 30 years of experiential and scholarly learning with the most well renowned teachers in the fields of personal empowerment, coaching, yoga and meditation. I continue to be a dedicated student in these potent modalities of transformation.
After 30+ years I remain a passionate educator, mentor, coach and leader of international retreats/workshops.
Do you answer yes to any of these questions?
If you’re like me, at significant times of life I’ve experienced a gnawing hunger for more. Do you relate?
Deep within your core you feel an insatiable longing, but you’re unsure of what it is.
Or what that gnawing hunger tastes like, smells like, looks like, feels like.
Believe me, I get it! So, you ignore your body, mind, heart and spirit. You shut the feelings down. You shut yourself down.
As you read on, I ask you to be radically honest with yourself!
- Are you ready to break away from feeling invisible and step fully into this new phase with empowerment, but you feel uncertain?
- Do you find yourself at a crossroads, yearning to reignite your sense of purpose, but you ask yourself, “who am I now and where do I go from here?”
- You desperately want to take authorship of your story, but you’re tired and the desire to continue growing, learning, transforming has been dampened.
- Maybe you’ve been defined by youth and beauty, but when you look in the mirror you don’t recognize yourself. You wonder, “who the heck are you?”