I Don’t Hate 2020!

I Don’t Hate 2020!

Ciao Amica MIa Well my friend if you’re reading this then you, like me, have made it through the wild ride that was 2020!  Woo Hoo! 2020 was rife with challenges collectively and for me personally. However, I’m resurfacing and regaining my health. In many ways I feel like the Phoenix rising out of the ashes. Can you relate? I’m in…



Ciao Amica Mia, I see you! In Tantric yoga philosophy there’s a teaching called, Vimarsa/Prakasa. Simply put it means, I see you! It’s a lot like looking into a mirror. What’s reflected back are aspects of you. Some days what you see is, “wow, I’m doing pretty dang good.” While other days, not so much. I totally get those days when you…

Time Sensitive

Time Sensitive

Ciao Amica Mia, I hope you’re feeling well this Sacred Sunday. Did you know that yesterday, October 10, was designated World Mental Health Day? For far too long speaking openly about mental health has been considered taboo. Unfortunately, there’s considerable shame attached to one’s mental health. So much so that either you or your loved…

A Bundle of Joy!

A Bundle of Joy!

Ciao Amica Mia, I hope you’re well and enjoying this Sacred Sunday. It’s been yet another emotion packed week. With the massive amount of negativity that we’re faced with on a daily basis, I wanted to be the bearer of joy. Please help me welcome my great-niece; yes, I did say great-niece, Francesca Madelyn. (Photos…

Is This You?

Is This You?

Ciao Amica Mia, Can you feel it friend? Can you feel the energies swirling around you? Intensifying! Can you feel how everything is moving faster and faster? Does it throw you off your center? Does it heighten your anxiety and fears for the future? Do you feel like “chicken little” running around in circles exclaiming in panic, “the…