
Time Sensitive

Ciao and Sacred Sunday:

If you live in the States and celebrate Thanksgiving, I hope you enjoyed a lovely holiday.

Yet, no matter where in the world you reside, I imagine that reuniting with family and friends, sharing a meal, and even a few tears, fills your heart with gratitude.

Today I want to share with you what I’ve been hearing these past few months from several of my clients on the topic of confidence.

Or perhaps I should say, the lack of it.

💖Now, my clients are intelligent, savvy, successful and beautiful in so many unique ways. They each possess ginormous hearts, and all are committed to raising their consciousness to live their best lives.

💪🏼Plus, they’re dedicated to pulling up their sleeves and doing the work it takes for transformation. Trust me, no slackers in this tribe.

💥They also know that when they self-actualize, when they stand steadfast in their Brilliance, it creates a ripple effect; where greater awareness and higher consciousness – 10x’s for themselves, for those they’re in community with and beyond.

And yet, there are times when these Breakaway and Badass clients feel as though their confidence meter has hit rock bottom.

Can you relate? I know I can.

Consider this…

😩Maybe you’re asked to give a talk at your local library on a subject you’re passionate about, like why having a strong immune system is not only vital to you, but also to the health of the planet. Yet public speaking still petrifies you no matter how many times you’ve given this speech.

😩Maybe your best friend has fixed you up on a blind date with a hot little number who checks all the boxes you have in your head. But it’s been ages since you’ve gone out with someone, and you feel self-conscious, guarded, zero juice.

😩Maybe you’re wanting to start a side hustle, baking specialized birthday cakes because your friends and family rave about how your cakes look like works of art besides being the most delicious ever! But you’re worried no one will actually pay you for them.

The good news…confidence isn’t something we’re all born with. It wasn’t given to your best friend Katie, but somehow you missed the boon.

Confidence is a learned skill.

Say what❓

Yep, it truly is❗️

Confidence may also seem like an emotion, a feeling, but oh no my friend, it is not.

And while confidence is indeed influenced by genetics, it’s also a behavior and an ability that can be cultivated. If you so choose to take on the confidence mission.

Think of it like going to the gym or getting on a yoga mat and executing your first down dog.

I don’t know about you, but I couldn’t even touch my toes when I first started to practice yoga, and my down dog, well it hurt!

But over time, my body began to crave a downward facing dog. And I got good at it even though my hamstrings still scream some mornings.

The question to ask yourself, “why is it important for me to build my confidence❓

Because my love, confidence is the agency that helps you accomplish your goals and aspirations.

A strong healthy dose of confidence is the fire that allows you to take risks, to pick yourself up after a tumble, to trust in yourself, and your inner knowing that you are here to make an impact.

Whether it’s dreaming of your first TEDx talk, authoring a book of poetry, mentoring your grandchildren, ushering your child into adulthood; all that really matters is confidence supports you to show up as the best version of yourself no matter what your dreams look like.

Just to be clear, confidence will waver at times. Maybe you have a cold, or you’re under a great deal of stress with a deadline at work, or maybe a global pandemic erupts!

😞So, don’t be hard on yourself if you’re having an off day.

Once you’ve felt the joy that comes from a confident empowering experience, your body and mind will not forget. 

With the holidays upon us I know that situations might arise that cause you to feel a bit on shaky ground.

So, as a holiday gift I’m offering you FREE my module on Confidence that is a part of “The Roadmap to Legacy” Virtual Video Course.

TRLP program is really close to my heart and trust me, overflows with great content.

Humbly, yet confidently, (see how I did that) 🥰 I can truthfully say that The Roadmap Program, normally priced at $245, is so good I want to get it out to as many people as possible.

That’s why I’m offering it for a huge holiday sale price of only $57 until December 24, 2021.

The Legacy Roadmap Course, as I fondly call it, is comprised of 10 modules that you can watch at your own pace. Each module comes with a FUNdamental worksheet/handout that will help imprint and deepen each lesson.

I truly hope you take advantage of this offer. For those of you who have asked about working with me and aren’t yet ready to commit to my 3-month program this is an opportunity not to be missed.

 Hint hint…it makes a great stocking stuffer! Who do you know that can use guidance and support?

Why not close out this year strong so that you can begin the new year super-charged, confident, and more.

💖With love and appreciation, xoxo Paulette

If you know of someone who is struggling with feeling confident right now, please pass this blog on to them.

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