
Wolf Moon Blessings to You

Ciao Amica Mia,

Did you see it? Did you gaze up into the night sky in wonder?

No matter how old we are it seems we remain fascinated by the full moon. The beauty, the symbolism and the illumination of the moon touches a deep vulnerable place inside of us.

This most recent full moon, called the Wolf moon, coincides with a lunar eclipse. It’s a potent time charged with meaning.

Looking to Wolf “medicine” we know wolves are pack animals that hunt and live in “families.” There’s a hierarchy established that helps keep the group safe, well-fed and thriving. You can think of the wolf pack as a community.

In the yoga world we call a group of people who come together for yoga and study a “kula.” A kula is a community of the heart that gathers regularly, finding support and upliftment.

A few questions to ask yourself:

“Am I needing to connect with my community?”

“In what way does my kula lift me up when needed?”

“Am I contributing to the whole?”

“How does my community come together in creative ways; for learning, enjoyment, problem solving, healing?”

Wolves are also very expressive in their body language, eye contact and vocalization. Utilize this time to check in with yourself.

Do you need to move your body more?

Do you know how you’re conveying messages through your behaviors?

Are you speaking what’s on your heart and expressing what you need to say?

Do you communicate clearly with the power of your body and voice?

And lastly, wolves are strategic and resourceful. January is a challenging month for wolves as it’s cold and food is scarce. Yet, they are still able to thrive because in their own way wolves are very clever at communicating their needs.

I encourage you to go inward and reconnect with YOU. Then ask:

“Are my core needs being met?”

“Where do I need to communicate more clearly?”

“Am I surviving or am I thriving?”

January often feels like this odd time, as if we’re waiting for the year to really get going. Yet, it’s actually a space of great opportunity. Whether male or female we each hold within us the creative potency of the feminine. Set aside an hour, a day, the remainder of the month to engage your senses and illuminate the wisdom of your Wolf moon nature.

Xoxo, Paulette

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